Everyone loves a good story. Many good stories rely on good characters. Moreover, there are many characters out there worthy of a good ol' backstory.
Several characters of mine have had such a thing. We saw Potatoman's origin in the aptly-titled Potatoman Begins (nearly a decade ago, good lord), Captain Obnoxious saw the titular character don his turquoise outfit for the first time, and our pointy-haired lad Dave (along with Carl) was given some sort of backstory in the three long comics released back in 2023 for the series' 10th birthday.
Now it's Jo's turn.
Shroomsday is 2025's entry in the Dave & Carl/Potatoman Expanded Universe. Chronologically, we first met Jo in the second chapter of Potatoman Regrown, but how did she end up on Iztovia? When exactly did she get there? What was she up to beforehand? Shroomsday will aim to answer said questions, and lift a veil on other aspects of this ever-expanding universe.
As with Captain Obnoxious in 2020, I've written up three chapters to be released throughout the year. Chapter 1, whose first page is finished at the time of typing, will be on its way around late March.
Next week's Patreon post will show off Jo and the other characters from this new adventure, and the one after that (January 20th) will kick off the weekly screenshots up to release. For now though, this week's post contains the poster in all its glory!
Thanks for reading, and stay Chazzy!