Geddit? 'Cus they're in a drai- Never mind. There'll be more shitty puns like this until early next month, so...sorry :c
Also, Pico Day was fun. Don't think I'll top 300 tweet likes again for ages, lol.
25 days to go until Captain Obnoxious Part 2!
Dave & Carl/Potatoman creator, releasing stuff (mostly comics) at least every Friday! Have a nice day!
(Chapter 1 coming March 2025!)
Age 26, Male
Comic Connoisseur
My brain I think
Kent, England
Joined on 6/20/13
Posted by ChazDude - May 11th, 2020
Geddit? 'Cus they're in a drai- Never mind. There'll be more shitty puns like this until early next month, so...sorry :c
Also, Pico Day was fun. Don't think I'll top 300 tweet likes again for ages, lol.
25 days to go until Captain Obnoxious Part 2!
Can never have too many of those! As long as you don't completely drain your witticism resources...