The world is laughing at ... its reflection in the mirror.
Dave & Carl/Potatoman creator, releasing stuff (mostly comics) at least every Friday! Have a nice day!
(Chapter 1 coming March 28, 2025!)
Age 26, Male
Comic Connoisseur
My brain I think
Kent, England
Joined on 6/20/13
The world is laughing at ... its reflection in the mirror.
oh just give it a rest already..... would u have prefered nuclear war? think before u say shit ....
At least Clinton wouldn't have wasted billions on a pointless wall.
No he wasted like 40 bilions just to help Israel sustain the war in Siria with it's pet ISIS start pulling you're head from ur .... and breath the fresh air its over and to add that 40 Billion was a donation witch could have very well gone to medical advancements of its country but ... you dont hear that shit on media ? do you
I'm certainly reading a lot of shit right now, as a matter of fact.
Clearly America had to top Brexit as the worst political choise of the year. A huge dissapointment.
Bloody Muricans! always trying to top everything... *grumble grumble*
Prepare your face.
I already prepared it :3
Which route would you pick? I'd go for the teacher.
I'd get good grades for sure. ;D
he is/was our only hope :'I
Burning flag isn't cool
I apologize for any offense caused.
Now we are just one big unified laughing stock. With our 'special arrangement'. Just like the 'special kid' at school. But actually I'm well glad of both these major events.
We both have a ticket to Purgatory, lol.
I need to play Metal Wolf Chaos again...
We'll still laugh at you. We'll still laugh at ALL of you! Yes... everyone will be laughing. Laughing at everyone else. The whole world will be a friggin' chuckle hut of laughter. I never understood why one would want to burn a flag. They don't last long enough to provide proper warmth during the cold season. An electric blanket, if not an abundance of less-than-electric blankets, will do a much better job and are reusable.
The More You Kn... Care Less About!
Laughing gas, laughing gas everywhere.