Sit yourselves down, fellas, this is a rightfully-long post made late at night.
Let's start with some history, eh?
413 years ago today, Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, but failed. Today, we celebrate someone who was essentially a 17th century terrorist, but whatever, this post isn't about Guy Fawkes, or the gunpowder plot, or Britain, really.
This post is about the United States of America, a country we violently gave birth to 171 years later.
Fast-forward 242 years, what do I see?
I'm looking at America. And quite frankly, there's a lot I'm not liking about it. Also, tomorrow happens to be the midterm elections in the afformentioned country of America. You've heard of America, right? Y'know, the land of the free, home of the brave etc. Well, I, and many around the globe, are currently looking at America, and many of us don't like what we see.
Myself included.
I don't want to see an America where white supremacists feel they have the support to unleash their cuntiness upon the nation.
I don't want to see an America where the ruling party actively participates in gerrymandering.
I don't want to see an America where regular people think a billionare President with his billionare buddies is going to fix the system that made them billionares in the first fucking place.
I don't want to see an America where the media are openly demonized by the country's head of state.
I don't want to see an America where the President refuses to condem a fellow, supposedly-friendly, nation for dismembering a fucking journalist.
I don't want to see an America where people honestly think more guns will solve gun crime.
I don't want to see an America where we talk of building a more-than 2,000 mile wall on the southern border which really only pisses away millions of dollars (and Mexico ain't fucking payin' for it either)
I don't want to see an America where immigrant children are kept in cages.
I don't want to see an America where people from certain countries are blocked from entering just because they come from said country.
I don't want to see an America where climate change-deniers occupy offices of power.
I don't want to see an America that wants to restart a nuclear arms race or pull out of anti-nuke treaties.
I don't want to see an America that moves its embassy to Jerusalem without a peace settlement.
I don't want to see an America where net neutrality is dead.
I don't want to see an America where the President is a nepotistic psycho.
I don't want to see an America where healthcare is out of reach for the many.
I don't want to see an America that impulsively starts trade wars.
I don't want to see an America where heated rhetoric leads some people to bomb making.
But you guys don't have to blow up the White House or the US Capitol to change all that. (you can calm down now, FBI)
I don't want to see an America where young people (and others) can't be arsed to excersice their democratic rights.
Get out there.
Get out there and fucking vote.
Get out there and slam that ballot paper into that ballot box.
If you want my advice (or not, it's up to you, really), get out there, reject this current political experiment in place since November 8, 2016 (if not longer), and do whatever you can to ruin Donald Trump's day.
For fuck's sake, and your own country's sake, VOTE.