2022. It's coming.
Today's the second anniversary of the last chapter of Potatoman Ignited, so what better occasion is there to announce its sequel? After two prequels in a row I think now the time is right for the return of Potatoman and his buddies.
What's the plot? Where's the setting? Who are the baddies? Questions for a time closer to release, but what I can tell you is that production will be starting this week. As a change from previous big comics, I'm gonna be drawing two pages of it per week over near-two months, rather than do 'em all at once. That way it ought to be less of a strain.
Several P4-related character drawings are contained in this week's Patreon post!
Of course, more details and previews will follow. Expect screenshots from the first chapter starting around late November/early December! Things might be slow until December, but I'll still have something (D&C related) to show off early in next week's post..
Like Regrown and Ignited, I'm aiming for six chapters. Come January the fourth instalment of this saga will grace your screens.
That's all for now. Stay Chazzy, friends.