First off, Happy May Day!
Second off, for nearly a month now I've been working on the next Dave & Carl long comic, on its way come late June. In a break from tradition, I'm gonna do a title reveal...
Dave & Carl: The Lads In London will be released on June 23, 2023!
Similar to Heiman Resources, this one's gonna be a prequel, only instead of being an origin story it'll be more of a 2010s-style D&C wacky adventure, something that's been rather lacking since the Potatoman saga took up the spotlight.
Eight pages are finished thus far. Next month is the tenth anniversary of me creating a NG account and uploading the first comic, and this twenty-page long birthday celebration or sorts ought to be completed by then.
A bonus screenie is up on Patreon as always. See you for the next seven Mondays for more previews, some of 'em captionable!