Looks like Carl couldn't handle Dave's uberknowledge.
Comic Archive . Patreon . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Dave & Carl/Potatoman creator, releasing stuff (mostly comics) at least every Friday! Have a nice day!
(Chapter 1 coming March 28, 2025!)
Age 26, Male
Comic Connoisseur
My brain I think
Kent, England
Joined on 6/20/13
Posted by ChazDude - September 5th, 2017
Looks like Carl couldn't handle Dave's uberknowledge.
Comic Archive . Patreon . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - September 2nd, 2017
Poor Volter, he had to sell his evil mustache to pay for that bike.
Also, in case you missed it, here's yesterday's long post!
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Character Bios (updated)! . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - September 1st, 2017
Good morning/afternoon/evening etc, citizens of Newgrounds.com! Today I thought I'd make this post to let you know some stuff regarding future projects, and a couple other things. So without further ado, here we go...!
I'm nearly done with editing this year's Dave & Carl Halloween Special! Expect that to drop on October 31st, most likely as my entry for the Halloween Spooktacular thingy. This isn't all, however. For reasons that I'll explain in the next section, the Halloween Special will be the last Dave & Carl-focused long-editon for now.
Here's the first screenshot, more of which will probably come out every Friday up until the 31st! Also, who DOESN'T like explosions, right?
Today happens to mark the first anniversary of the start of Potatoman Begins, which of course concluded last month. But that isn't all you'll be getting from your favourite starchy superhero. I thought I'd use this anniversary for the biggest announcemt in this post: POTATOMAN II!
Over the past year, the amount of concept art I've done for what became Potatoman II is pretty immense. On top of that, last month I actually finished writing it! So yes, Potatoman II (working title) will be on the way in the early part of next year. Just for the record, it's actually called 'Potatoman *******' but I thought I'd leave it 'til closer to release to reveal the full title.
As some of you know, Potatoman Begins was, apart from the finale, released at a rate of one page per week, every Thursday. With Potatoman II I've decided to ditch that model in favour of releasing it as one of those long-editions every other month or so (based on the storyboards I've done it should be over 100 pages btw). The downside to this is that, as mentioned earlier, the Halloween Special will be the last Dave & Carl-centered long-edition for ages (talking a couple-of-years-or-so-type long here). This way, the existing 3-a-week D&C strips will continue, with Potatoman (and co)'s epic adventures will also still have a spotlight.
Here's a lil' taste of what's coming, concept art-wise:
I won't reveal that much about Pota II (lol) just yet, but:
- It takes place in the present day (no more '12 years ago' stuff)
- It's longer (and a tiny bit darker and more serious) than Potatoman Begins
- It'll introduce several new permanent D&C characters, too!
And that's just Potatoman II.
Potatoman Begins is the first in a trilogy that I've now envisioned. While I'm well prepared for Potatoman II, Potatoman III (which also has a yet-to-be-revealed full title) has also had some attention concept-wise. All the plot points have been thought up, but you won't be seeing it 'til 2019 at the earliest.
Last week we got stuck in traffic while driving my brother back to Uni. While in the Jam caused by an overturned Land Rover, people were getting out of their cars due to the standstill, and in this time I found an unopended box of condoms on the roadside (not pictured). An interesting day indeed.
On another topic, I've been thinking about starting a seperate blog where I can vent my geopolitical frustrations n' shit. Perhaps somewhere like blogspot or something.
Also been thinking of getting a new computer at some point. Oh, and a haircut.
Well...I think that's it for now. But before I go, here's a preview of stuff coming this Autumn/Fall:
Until next time, adios!
Posted by ChazDude - August 31st, 2017
But does it come with insurance?
Also, I'll be making a long update post tomorrow, so check back some time then!
Comic Archive . Patreon . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - August 29th, 2017
Who needs super powers when you have super-mobiles?
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - August 26th, 2017
Fun fact: I was listening to Dragonforce while editing this comic.
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - August 24th, 2017
Potatoman enjoys a bit of farming every now and then.
Also, happy 888th newspost, yay
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - August 22nd, 2017
Captain Neckbeard reeeaaally hates 'em.
Oh, and before you ask, I have seen the latest GoT episode, just so y'know.
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Character Bios . The D&C Universe
Posted by ChazDude - August 19th, 2017
And so everyone lived happily ever after...Except Don, obviously.
Comic Archive . Patreon! . Charatcer Bios . The D&C Universe